King Edward River

We left Drysdale River Station and headed back to the corrugated road towards Mitchell Falls.  About 90 minutes down the road we arrived at the King Edward River.  We tackled our first river crossing and then came to the best river camp.  You can swim in the river as there are no crocodiles.  We went for a paddle and then continued towards the Mitchell Falls but we will camp here on our way back tomorrow.

The road got worse from here and that is saying something because the road has been bad already.  About 2 hours of bouncing later we made it to the Mitchell falls campground.  We spent the afternoon at little Merton falls standing under a natural shower.  Michael is just packing up all our stuff as we are told to put everything away or dingoes will take rubbish, shoes, clothing and hats.  I'm hating this swag more and more. 


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