Victoria River

We have now left Western Australia and are back in the Northern Territory.  We were going to spend some time at Victoria River in the Gregory National Park but we have had a problem with one of the roof clips on the van and spent time in Kununurra trying to get a replacement part without any luck.  We  have resorted to a homemade fastener made by ourselves and it seems to be working ok.  Unfortunately this has taken time so we only had a quick stop at the Victoria River Roadhouse and a hike up the escarpment.  We will be sure to spend more time here if we ever return.

We continued on to Katherine and stopped at the Hot Springs.  This has really changed.  If you remember it was just a small river. It has now been made into 3 pools with a river linking the pools. I think I liked it better before.  I'll put load some photos and you can decide for yourselves. There is also a cafe here now and they are building a new Park for the kids with a turtle you can walk through and slide off so it will only get busier.


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