Today we did the main walking track. You walk down the center of the gorge crossing the river 6 times. It is a fairly easy walk and you then walk down side tracks to see various attractions. We visited the main four.

The first side track was to the Art Gallery. This is where you can view Aboriginal Art on the sandstone walls.

The second trail led to Wards Canyon. A lovely trail that leads to a waterfall and then you climb steps up over the water fall and into a beautiful canyon.

The Third trail led us to The Amphitheatre. This one was the hardest for me as I had to climb these steps up into the amphitheatre. It is higher than it looks in the photo and it wasn't climbing the steps that was the problem it was the height. Anyway I did it and it was well worth the mental anguish. Once you are at the top of the stairs you enter through a small gap in the gorge walls and then a huge chamber emerges.

The last trail we did was to the Moss Garden. This is a pretty spot where the water drips from the sandstone walls. Apparently this water is about 200 years old as it slowly seeps through the sandstone walls. This is why there is always water in the Canarvan Creek even when we are in the middle of a drought.
So that was our 17.8 km walk.
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