
Saturday 21st July 2018

Today with our legs feeling more like normal we continued north and stopped in at the Age of Dinosaurs in Winton.  We thought this would be a quick stop but we were wrong.  This place is brilliant.  The park is set up high on a jump-up and is the perfect setting for the dinosaur exhibits.  This is a fairly new attraction and they have a big vision for future expansion.  It is already very impressive and we can only imagine what it will be like in the future.

The park is set into three zones with a new zone already in planning.  The first zone we went to was the Fossil Laboratory tour.  This is where they show you how they remove the fossils from the ground and wrap them for travel and then how they are cleaned.  You can watch the technicians actually working on cleaning the fossils and if you are really interested you can do a ten day course and become an honoary technician and you are then able to work in the lab cleaning and preparing the fossils.

We then went to the Collection Room Tour.  In this room you are shown a short video on the dinosaurs that have been found in the area and you are shown the dinosaur fossils cleaned and on display.

Next we went on the Dinosaur Canyon Tour.  We boarded a shuttle and were transported to the Dinosaur Canyon Outpost.  Here you travel along a boardwalk next to the canyon to see various exhibits.  This is where the location of this park is its biggest advantage.  The views are amazing. the dinosaur exhibits come to life.  Just an amazing setting.

The future site will be a Natural History Museum and will include a time capsule.  We spent at least 3 hours at this park and would definitely return in the future if we are we venture this way again.


  1. Dad looks like he is enjoying being eaten way too much haha. I really want to go there now to see the dinosaurs because they go well with my game


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