Lawn Hill

Thursday 26th July 2018

Canoeing down Lawn Hill Gorge was great for me not as great for Michael.  We had a double canoe so Michael was placed in the back with the paddle and I was up the front with just a single oar.  Therefore Michael did all the work and I sat up the front and enjoyed the view and paddled intermittently.  We paddled down the middle gorge until we came to some little falls.  At this point we had to take the canoe out of the water and carry it past the waterfalls and into the upper gorge.  On our way back we stopped at the Indarri falls and had a swim before continuing back.  All up we paddled for about 2 hours so Michael is having a well earned beer and rest.

We saw lots of fish and lots of bubbles coming to  the surface but we didn't see and crocs although we are told their are freshies in the water.   Not sure if the bubbles were coming from crocs, turtles or just the fish.  Maybe better if we don't know.


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